TURTLE NETWORK : TESTNET || Activation | Aliases | Assets | Balances | Blocks | Block Delays | Generators (24h) | Generators (7d) | Generators (30d) | LPoS | Nodes | Top 25 assets | Transactions

                                                       List of generators for the past 24 hours (1438 blocks)  [last update Feb 18 2025 19:03:01 UTC]                                                      

                                                                    Node           Average      Average  Estimated    Mined    Hourly distribution     Performance      TURTLE       Revenues   Rev. per 1K
 #  Generator                                                      Version       Gen.Balance      share     blocks   blocks   (. = 0 blocks; # >= 1)       ratio        fees         (WAVES)     (Wavelets)
  1 3Jei2KbN5cmqF8irJr467a9ZSSt1dxRXBNf                             1.3.16    7919032.48722020   31.44%     452.07      409  ########################      0.905      0.10000000   0.00000000         0.00
  2 3JrF9bKgZLnCrQXqpLAGouXX6rupdnC1QWT (Stats Support Node)        1.3.16    6406936.43441380   25.43%     365.75      396  ########################      1.083      0.01600000   0.00000000         0.00
  3 3Juz4sEvU9GKbjBBUiDPhkrg9Cgn4pnMT7R (giznode)                     -       6019699.39799482   23.90%     343.65      335  ########################      0.975      0.06800000   0.00000000         0.00
  4 3JfSdQxjJn8xReJ73LZg7FTfB6TaXG5qHot (Morty's node)              1.3.16    2447983.12941886    9.72%     139.75      143  ########################      1.023      0.02800000   0.00000000         0.00
  5 3Jx6b31bkvtkSaPhv7hdCpny6WNtjaZYHGp (Banjo Node)                1.3.16    2396029.19961209    9.51%     136.78      155  ########################      1.133      0.00800000   0.00000000         0.00
                                                                             25189680.64865977                                                                        0.22000000   0.00000000         0.00

Estimated blocks = Blocks per day * Average share

Performance ratio = Mined blocks / Estimated blocks
   >1 overperforming
   <1 underperforming

Revenues per 1K = Total fees / Average balance * 1000


To support the operational costs of running these statistics, you are welcome to lease or donate any amount of TN to: 3JrF9bKgZLnCrQXqpLAGouXX6rupdnC1QWT

Buy TN at the Waves.exchange or Polarity.exchange decentralized exchange or with Waves through Binance