TURTLE NETWORK : TESTNET || Activation | Aliases | Assets | Balances | Blocks | Block Delays | Generators (24h) | Generators (7d) | Generators (30d) | LPoS | Nodes | Top 25 assets | Transactions

                                                       List of generators for the past 24 hours (1438 blocks)  [last update Sep 16 2024 13:30:02 UTC]                                                      

                                                                    Node           Average      Average  Estimated    Mined    Hourly distribution     Performance      TURTLE       Revenues   Rev. per 1K
 #  Generator                                                      Version       Gen.Balance      share     blocks   blocks   (. = 0 blocks; # >= 1)       ratio        fees         (WAVES)     (Wavelets)
  1 3Jc52bM1i1ymjtbJZapX6gj4BtM5NXyLa2K (Cash Nerds)                1.3.16    9562408.63328380   18.75%     269.67      245  ########################      0.909      0.98800000   0.00000000         0.00
  2 3Jei2KbN5cmqF8irJr467a9ZSSt1dxRXBNf                             1.3.16    7919013.19322020   15.53%     223.33      222  ########################      0.994      0.16800000   0.00000000         0.00
  3 3Juz4sEvU9GKbjBBUiDPhkrg9Cgn4pnMT7R (giznode)                     -       7685546.43999482   15.07%     216.74      233  ########################      1.075      1.15600000   0.00000000         0.00
  4 3JrF9bKgZLnCrQXqpLAGouXX6rupdnC1QWT (Stats Support Node)        1.3.16    6411286.09241380   12.57%     180.81      174  ########################      0.962      0.60400000   0.00000000         0.00
  5 3JvGvX97MkaWQV2g1njPSm35z24FQMDBeKL (High Node)                 1.3.16    4902089.46245998    9.61%     138.25      123  ########################      0.890      0.20400000   0.00000000         0.00
  6 3JfvhnKBv2eAnEiZytAcrkLhyRzFw2LhTAU (TNM Staking node)            -       4104347.59810040    8.05%     115.75      128  ########################      1.106      0.00000000   0.00000000         0.00
  7 3JfSdQxjJn8xReJ73LZg7FTfB6TaXG5qHot (Morty's node)              1.3.16    3764062.94721882    7.38%     106.15      103  ######################.#      0.970      0.06000000   0.00000000         0.00
  8 3Jx6b31bkvtkSaPhv7hdCpny6WNtjaZYHGp (Banjo Node)                1.3.16    2396023.01961209    4.70%      67.57       79  ########################      1.169      0.00000000   0.00000000         0.00
  9 3JcYwKgUFLgzi9Ebj1GFS48ahjcy1a8LEjv (3P3 Node)                  1.3.16    1614952.89187219    3.17%      45.54       46  ######..######.#########      1.010      0.03600000   0.00000000         0.00
 10 3JtfiyXeu9n9Ss1evgd8M6Z3ASRUoUDdvaM (Exlo)                        -       1428052.14746816    2.80%      40.27       54  ##################.#####      1.341      0.20400000   0.00000000         0.00
 11 3JySFi8GBmrZM2hg4wADKx6GTJ6gNoMz2vT (SuperSistem Node (SSYS))   1.3.16    1202340.85124291    2.36%      33.91       31  #####.##.##..#####.###.#      0.914      0.00000000   0.00000000         0.00
                                                                             50990123.27688717                                                                        3.42000000   0.00000000         0.00

Estimated blocks = Blocks per day * Average share

Performance ratio = Mined blocks / Estimated blocks
   >1 overperforming
   <1 underperforming

Revenues per 1K = Total fees / Average balance * 1000


To support the operational costs of running these statistics, you are welcome to lease or donate any amount of TN to: 3JrF9bKgZLnCrQXqpLAGouXX6rupdnC1QWT

Buy TN at the Waves.exchange or Polarity.exchange decentralized exchange or with Waves through Binance